

spiritual as well as physical





spiritual as well as physical

Hell no ! Not that date :p …where is your mind ?? And no those are not truffles … but something even better and healthier. I’m talking about the fruit – date !
Breaking the fast with dates is a Ramadan tradition. After fasting from dawn to dusk, which is roughly a bit more than 13 hours, a date is the most perfect fruit to start with. One of the many physical benefits of breaking the fast with dates is that our body benefits from the date’s high level of natural sugars. Sugars travel most quickly to the liver, where they are converted into energy more quickly than any other nutrient. A sudden bombardment with food could be a shock to the empty stomach after a day of fasting. Eating a date first helps the body start its digestive process and gives it the energy to deal with the secondary, more complex foods, eaten during Iftar Floor Stand.

Dates are also high in vitamins A and B6, folic acid, potassium, natural sodium, iron, and magnesium. Thus, eating dates daily during Ramadan is like taking a daily multivitamin. This daily multivitamin can create a stronger and healthier body, one more fit for fasting. Dates also contain large amounts of dietary fiber, which can prevent any constipation that might result from eating the traditionally rich foods served during Ramadan. Additionally, dates protect the stomach and intestinal tract from parasites and bacteria, and thus is a good preventative medicine. Dates also have a special place in Islam. In fact, they were one of the Prophet’s (SAW) most frequently consumed foods. For this reason, their benefit is most likely spiritual as well as physical .

You can have them just the way they are, or you can also get creative with them. By now i think i might have developed the reputation of a lazy cook, as most of my recipes are effortless. So be it … lets add one more to the collection cristal champagne :)
How To Make

All you have to do is de-seed about 1/2 kg of dried dates. Cut them up in small pieces and then mash them up forming a paste. Knead it just like you would knead dough to get a uniform and smooth texture. Keep a bowl of water ready, as you may need to dip your hands every time they get sticky. Make small balls and roll into desired topping. I’ve used desiccated coconut, sesame seeds, colourful sprinkles … go for whatever is in your cupboard. Put them in little paper cups. Get your kids to help you out, they would love to make these. They make perfect gifts, for Eid, Christmas … any occasion at all solar motor!



No Name Ninja